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Indian Army personnel broke a world record by being the only team in the world to cross a staggering distance of 1000 meters carrying 48 persons on a single moving 500 cc Royal Enfield motorcycle here over the weekend.
The motorcycle team of the Indian Military Corps, ‘SHWET ASHWA’ set this record on Saturday and redemonstrated for media and public on Sunday.
The group earlier had the unique distinction of holding a world record of crossing 225 meters carrying 151 men on 11 motorcycles .The feat was acknowledged by Guinness Book of World Records in 1999.
“We have more to show. We have already done a pyramid on 11 motorbikes and we would go much beyond this,” said M.G. Rajan, leader of the group ‘Shwet Ashwa’ .
Lieutenant General Mukesh Sabarwal said the show was organised to celebrate past records and set new challenges for the coming years.
“This is an occasion we try and introspect as to what we have done in the past years and get a sense of that and there after we would like to do whatever is the focus for the coming years. That is really the objective of the reunion,” said Sabarwal.
“And again we are very proud that our motorcycle team has created a record yesterday; so really, we are proud,” said Sabarwal.
Earlier, the world record was held by Brazilian Army Corps for carrying 47 persons on a 1200 cc Harley Davidson motorbike established on December 15, 1995.
The motor-bike riders of ‘SHWET ASHWA’ also demonstrated some rare stunts such as Scissors, V, and criss-crossing, one leg riding, side balancing.
source : economic times
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