EnfieldMotorcycles.in is the blog for all Royal Enfield enthusiast where we live, breathe, and eat Royal Enfield Bullet . We not only keep you informed of the news about Royal Enfield originals, but also give custom bikes and historical bikes a lot of attention. You can also find with us the best Enfield related movies and crazy stunts etc. We are testing and reviewing new models of which a complete relief will be shown on our site. Finally, we have technical tips, for example, how to properly get engine through the winter.
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The first thing you must do is stop trying to lift the bike with your arms. Heaving and pulling on the bike is not the answer. The bike will weigh in excess of you and this will simply not work
The second thing you must do is to allow the weight of your body to work for you as a lever against the stand.
So how do you do this? Simple We shall assume that your bike is on its side stand Approach your motorcycle from the left (clutch control) side. Have your stomach roughly even with the drivers seat. Take your left hand and place it upon the left hand grip Take you right hand and place it under or on something solid and to your right Put your left foot firmly and straight down on the ground make sure to keep it straight
Take your right foot and place it upon the center stand lever It should have a slight bend at the knee and you should be about 8 inches or so from your motorcycle Gently lean a bit forward and use your arms to lever the bike off of the side stand until you feel the center stand properly placed with both stand feet firmly on the ground
Your arms are now finished with their work Now stand up straight. Relax the left arm. Keep the right arm straight but not under tension Ready?
Now with the center stand firmly planted on the ground Your left leg straight and your left foot under you Your right arm straight but not pulling and the handle bars square to the bike Your right leg slightly bent with your foot upon the center stand lever Drop the weight of you body onto your right leg and just straighten your right leg DO NOT LIFT WITH YOUR ARMS That is it. Just straighten your leg and the bike will nicely rock back onto the stand and you are done Do Not lean into the bike. This will tip it away from you
Do Not pull back away from the bike to try and use your arms. This will overload your left leg giving you less leverage on the right foot and make you less stable Do Not lift your shoulders to try and use the muscles in your arms to lift the bike Do Not jump on the center stand lever to try and get more weight onto the right leg. This will just unbalance you. Do Not Falter after you have started. This will allow the bike to roll forward and perhaps fall away from you. Always act with confidence and see it through
Confidence that you can do something is most of the battle and this system will work Every time
If you have any doubts ask a friend to stand on the right side of the bike to keep it from falling away from you but do not ask them to help you lift. You do not need their
help Just the power of straightening your leg is all you need
by:Johnnie Phatt
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